Coming to Jesus Fire


It was a rainy Saturday morning in May. We were making an unplanned stop at my mother in laws house. (Vicki) As we ran in from the rain I handed over the youngest of the Andersen boys to her. He was just three weeks old.

Vicki had experienced a kitchen fire just a few days before and we were really stopping by to check out the damage. The white cabinets were now a dark gray and would need a good scrubbing.

The older two boys were dumping toys out in the front room as I started in helping clean the cabinets. My husband, Trevor, had sat at the kitchen table and started talking with his mom. It was just moments into the conversation when she blurted out “I haven’t been to church in 4 months!” At this point in time I had suspected this but I found I was still in a bit of shock. I hadn’t mentioned to Trevor my suspicions. He looked pretty surprised and immediately wanted to know why.

Vicki tried to put off the conversation till that night when all the boys would be in bed but Trevor wouldn’t have it. He wanted to know immediately and so the three hour conversation began. Many scriptures were looked up and many websites searched.

Every few minutes I found myself looking at my dear husband, longing to know exactly what he was thinking. I could see in his eyes that the things being discussed made sense to him. I still hadn’t decided if I was willing to truly listen to what was being said. At some point about an hour into the three hours I decided if Mormonism was really true it would withstand all questioning so why not?

At the end of the conversation I was more confused then ever. I asked if we could talk with some Christians friends of Vicki’s that we had met a few times before.

Thirty minutes later they were sitting on the couch across from us and we began another three hour conversation. We compared Biblical Christianity to Mormonism. This conversation ended up being very important in my personal story coming to Jesus. As I look back on this day I see Gods hands in the details of how it all unfolded.

We left Vicki’s house that night with our lives forever changed. I cried most of the way home as Trevor and I bounced things off of each other. We agreed to support each other in whatever we decided to believe and that we both knew our boys needed to be raised believing in God whatever that may look like.

Our decision to leave Mormonism wasn’t made in one night. It was individual decisions made over the next few weeks as we continued to learn and compare the Jesus of the Bible to Mormonism.


  1. I am so very happy you have found the truth. I have never been LDS but my husband is…..I pray for him all the time that he will become a believer. God leads me to believe that he will someday receive eternal salvation.

  2. It’s not easy to have a lifelong world view change, nor is it a quick transition. I prayed long and hard to know the right time and place to share what I had learned. Who knew God would turn my grease fire into the catalyst for conversation? And by the way, thanks for scrubbing the cupboards clean while I held the baby…even though your heart was breaking.

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