As I reflect on our marriage I’m so grateful for the growth we’ve had this past year. We are so much stronger and happier for it. I think its safe to say the first four years were good ones but we definitely did not grow much as a couple during that time. I believe this past year we have grown more then those four years combined. I know that it is absolutely because of Jesus working in our hearts and in our marriage. As we pursue Jesus our marriage grows stronger, and closer then ever before. I pray over our marriage daily that this will continue, even through the tough times.
My heart is full of gratitude as I write and reflect on our life together. Now looking back I can see God in all the details that I once could not. He truly is so faithful. As we transitioned to Christianity this past year it was definitely a transition in our marriage as well. I felt each of us cling to the Lord and hold close to each other. Supporting one another where we were in our own journeys pursuing truth. It wasn’t always easy. Especially in the beginning. I felt we were just grasping for each others fingertips. Trevor accepted truth faster than I did. For a few months I felt like I was reaching forward and he was reaching back holding my hand tight as he sped toward God.
We aren’t always going to see eye to eye in life. We aren’t always going to be traveling the same speed through our journeys. But I pray as long as we are perusing God first then holding tight to each other we will always pull through.
God has taught me so much this year about pursuing Him and pursuing Trevor. I wish I could share it all with you but I don’t know how to put it into words just yet. I hope I will be able to some day soon.
My marriage is such gift from God and I want to nourish it and treasure it as such. To actively not take it for granted. To continually be more open, more raw, more loving to my spouse. I wake up every morning and choose to fight for my marriage because if I don’t today slowly it will deteriorate. I choose Trevor everyday. I choose to love him even when it’s not a feeling. I choose to put his needs before mine. I choose to give 100% of me to this marriage. I’m all in everyday.
I pray that we will continue to pursue and praise God through the good times and the hard times. And grow in Him as individuals and together as a couple. To never stop clinging to God and holding tight to one another!