Child Dedication


Taking a jump back to early June here. Our church had been in their new building a few months now. Before this we were meeting in a high school, so to have our own place to call home is amazing. I’m so excited that we found such an amazing church, and that we joined just in time to be involved in helping with the building. IMG_8114

We decided since we were settled in our new building it would be the perfect time to dedicate our boys. It was something I had wanted to do for many months now. I had been waiting till we were in the new building. But also to give our family some time after learning we were transitioning to the Christian faith, as I was hoping they would attend. I honestly was not expecting for many of them to be there. I knew for my family, me leaving Mormonism was hard to understand and to come to terms with. Even though at this point we had been Christians for 13 months, many of our family members had only known for 8-9 months.

I honestly was overwhelmed with love and gratitude when every local family member came to support us. It meant so much to me. I know they don’t understand why we are doing this but to have them there, it touched me. I pray that God used it in their lives somehow. Perhaps to bring them peace about what we were doing. Or to plant a seed.

IMG_8116So it was the morning of the dedication. I was so excited to be dedicating our boys to the Lord. Already knowing I had done this in my heart. But it says something for me to do it in such a public manner. It was the first public statement we made to the world that we were now Christians.

As I got the boys ready that morning I went over with them many times how today was special. That today they were going to go to service with mom and dad and after we sang songs they were going to go up on the stage with us. I explained how the pastor was going to talk for a minute about what a dedication meant and then he would say a prayer. After the prayer we would sing ‘Jesus Loves Me’. My oldest, now a 4 year old, was excited because he knew the song. He and I sing it every night after we say his prayers. My nervousness that morning mostly came from the children’s routine being changed up. One or two of my boys struggle with that.

We arrived early to church and I began to get nervous for my family to come. Church is such a special place for me. It is where I worship God for all that He is. I praise Him for His greatness and pray to Him with my whole soul. I love church. I’m nearly kid free, distraction free, to focus solely on Jesus and what He has done for me. To me church is like oxygen. Honestly I felt vaunerable opening this up to judgement or teasing from my family. Both Trevor’s family and my family are known to tease a lot. I have embraced worship fully as a Christian and that can be extremely uncomfortable, and strange as an outsider first witnessing someone worship God like that. Singing loud, not so reverent as Mormons are used to. Raising our hands out and up towards God, symbolizing us surrendering to His will and laying our sins, and short coming down at the cross. I feel so ALIVE during worship.. I didn’t want family being there to change that.

So all our family arrived. Some early, some just getting there in time to see us go up for the dedication. All in all between our friends and family that came we had 28/29 people come. I honestly can’t remember the exact number. Out of that group, 5, besides us were Christian. And as a result this group of about 25 people up and left right after the dedication was finished. Good thing we sat in the back.IMG_8172

As worship was completed and I felt myself become so nervous I was nauseas. I’m not a super out going person contrary to what people may think. And getting up on stage was a bit nerve wracking for me. Our boys were more then excited to be up in front of a large group looking completely adorable. They did just about everything but hold still. Danced around a bit, made silly faces, sang along with the song, and even started fighting a bit during the prayer. They were just keeping it real. Many stopped me after service to tell me how cute they were up there. I really appreciated each person who went out of their way that day to say so. How meaningful that was to me.

Something I wasn’t expecting to happen was for the Adult ministry pastor to be the one to do our child dedication. This made the experience even that much more special. This pastor was the very one who came and spoke with us that first rainy May night in 2015 at Trevor’s mom’s house where our story began. I’m so grateful for the role God had him and his wife play in our story and that they continually are weaved into it as time goes on. He is only one of the pastors who helped baptize us just a month after the child dedication.

So by now, those of you who don’t know what a child dedication is you’re probably dying with curiosity. A child dedication is more a parent dedication. When the parents acknowledge that their child/children are gifts from God. As well as public statement that they are going to raise their children to know God and have a personal relationship with Him. To teach Christianity to them and teach them salvation is through Jesus alone. The congregation then promises to help by investing their time and love into the children, and youth ministries. For those with a Mormon background this has a similar importance to Christians as a baby blessing would to Mormon parents.

This day is forever etched in my heart. I hope that our oldest son may have some memory of this day as he gets older.

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