How God used this month for my spiritual growth


This crazy month is coming to an end. I’m really glad to see it go, but as it does I can’t help but reflect on it and be so incredibly grateful for all God has done in my life.

God has used this month as such a growing experience, to grow in Him. Trevor has been gone all day everyday, including weekends for most of the month. Through this time I felt much like a single parent. Sometime I don’t realize how much help Trevor can be with the kids, even when he doesn’t get home till bed time and he can help get one to bed. It makes a difference for me. To do everything by myself night and day took so much patience, and energy. Even so often times once the house became quiet and the wild ones were all asleep, I’d sit down to spend time with God and reflect on how well my day went. I’d realize how much patience I had through the two hour bedtime, how God has sustained me through the day with love, patience and the energy needed to take care of these boys. This wasn’t coming from me. I could not have done this on my own. I only could have done this through giving it over to God and letting Him be my everything.

This month I’ve been reading “Abiding in Christ” by Andrew Murray. This book is changing my life day by day! Its a daily devotional book about how to abide in Christ, as the title hints at. It talks about Jesus being the vine and us the branch. How the vine has all the branch needs to be fruitful and sustain life. The book is amazing and I think its a great read for baby Christians and seasoned Christians alike.

Abiding in Jesus is something I’ve longed to do but couldn’t fully understand how to implement in my life. I feel like this book explains it in a way that I can understand, visualize and apply. I haven’t finished it yet but I love this book and I’m sure I’ll be blogging about it more when I finish it.

I often say God knows what He’s doing and it couldn’t be more true than having me read this book this month. This month had to potential to be so stressful and basically  be a big cry fest but it wasn’t. God grace blessed me beyond words. I look back on the month and instead of frustration and tears I see joy, grace and Gods hand in the details of my life.

Learning to give my stress, worries, frustrations, weakness, and imperfections over to Jesus is a process. Its not something I have all of a sudden mastered this month but I have made a huge stride in the right direction. I have felt the peace that only God can give through this month of crazy. Tasting of this peace, happiness, patience and to know what if feels like to be sustained by Gods grace only increases my desire to continually give my day to Jesus everyday. To strive to abide in Him always.

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