End of last year we found out we were expecting after a couple unexpected pregnancies and miscarriages. God truly has a plan here, I know it, and for now I’m just going to ride this out in faith that He will bless me with all the grace needed to handle four boys 5 and under! Yes, we are having another boy and are really excited for these boys to grow up so close in age. I pray we can raise little gentlemen with hearts for Jesus!
Christmas Eve our 1 year old started complaining of pain and had a bulge in his lower stomach. I took him to the insta-care and spent most of our Christmas Eve there. The boy poor had a hernia and would be needing surgery but first we were going to have to diagnose some on going bowel problems he’s had since birth. He was diagnosed with redundant colon and believed to have a low muscle mass in his colon. It was a month later when we were able to get him in for surgery. Im still in awe of God at how smoothly his surgery went. Neither the Drs or myself was expecting it to go so well. His recovery was slow but he’s now back on his feet being his normal happy self. We are so grateful to all who prayed for our family and those people who truly were the hands of Jesus and brought us meals that week. God reminded me through this storm that He is there and He is watching over us.
I struggle with severe morning sickness with each of my pregnancies and this one has been no different but on days our youngest had Drs. appointments, test, and surgery I didn’t feel sick at all and was able to be with him through it. That was not by chance, but only by the grace of God.
He has sustained our family through this stressful 6 weeks and I see it. I see it everyday. I can’t help but stop and wonder how I would have managed going through this as a Mormon. Once again I find myself so grateful that our eyes have been opened and we are walking with God outside the barriers that religion puts on Him.
On another note I’d love to share with you an interview I did with Bishop Earl on “Ex-Mormon Files”. It posted while I was busy taking care of our little one but I wanted to get it shared with all of you. http://exmormonfiles.com/episodes/ep_226.htm You can also find my husbands interview on there #225.
God Bless you. I’m excited to jump back into blogging and sharing what God is doing in our lives.