Jesus is Enough


You guys, walking with Jesus is so exciting. Everyday I’m perusing that relationship and it is changing me. To be more loving, more selfless, more patient. I look at myself and I am driven by lifting others up. Everyday I want to share Gods love with others. I hope that I can do that through my day to day life.

More than anything I find myself seeking peace in this fast pace, loud world. Seeking quiet moments with God that won’t be interrupted. I long for at the days my children sleep in till 7 and I can get up early, brew a cup of coffee and step outside in the fresh mountain air to spend time in Gods word. To start my day uninterrupted with Him.

Some days it can be such a struggle to create that time. I have to remind myself now and then that Jesus is my number one. The most important thing to me. He is the only way to the Father. The only way to Heaven.  When I stop to think about all He’s done for me I’m overwhelmed with how much Jesus humbled Himself to come to earth as a baby. To be so human but still God. To give up so much for me.

I was studying Ephesians 4 this week and these verses hit me so hard. I always knew this but this week it sunk in.

Ephesians 4:9-10 (NIV)

9 (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.)

He descended. He came down to us. To be one of us. To bear the cross I could not bear for myself.

Thank you Jesus. I know You alone are enough. I live my life to glorify You, and I pray my will to be inline with Yours.

At church we like to say Jesus+Nothing=Everything. Its so true. Such a simple concept but the first time I heard it I felt like it was completely mind blowing. Coming from a LDS background this was not what I was taught. I was taught I needed so much more than just Jesus to go to the celestial kingdom. I needed to keep the commandments the best I could, be baptized into the LDS church, pay my tithing to be worthy to go to the temple, be an endowed member of the temple and sealed to my spouse. Without these things I could not get into the highest degree of celestial kingdom.

Wow, I don’t know about you but  I just completely forgot Jesus being so focused on my works that made me worthy for the temple. Where is Jesus? Where is the importance of Him bearing my sins on the cross, then breaking the bands of death?

I found myself extra grateful this weekend for Gods grace breaking the chains that held me captive. The chains that kept the focus on me and not on Him. I did not realize what a literal weight these chains were on my shoulders till I was able to hand them over to Him and declare He is enough.

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