My Eternal Family


wedding day Aug 5, 2011

One of the first questions I get asked when someone learns I’ve left the Mormon faith is about my eternal family. It’s common knowledge Trevor (my husband) and I were married in the temple. People wonder how I could throw that away. Im here to tell you I didn’t throw anything away. I simply just know that being sealed in the temple is not what will keep my family together in death. Our belief in Jesus is. Let me explain the difference between Mormon doctrine and what Jesus teaches in the Bible.

The Mormon religion teaches that IF worthy then you can be sealed to your spouse for time and all eternity. When children are born within the covenant (to parents who are already sealed together) they are automatically sealed to the parents. These children grow up to be sealed to their spouses and their children will be sealed to their spouses. Assuming you lived a good life and are worthy of the Celestial Kingdom you will be off creating worlds with your spouse as will each of your children. How does that sound like an eternal family?

The Bible teaches that it is by grace you are saved (Ephesians 2:8) and that all who believe in Jesus will have eternal life (John 3:16). The bible also states that love is one of the 3 things that last in 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” This tells me my loved ones will always be my loved ones.

Jesus teaches in the New Testament that there is no marriage in heaven (Matthew 22:30). This is often brought up after being asked about my eternal family. My response is my love for my husband is not going to disappear with my death. It will continue to the next life with me. Our bond won’t be broken. I don’t know how our relationship will look in heaven but I know that God has that taken care of. In my mind I see us glorifying God together.

For me as a Mormon I felt like we put our eternal family up on a pedestal where only God should be. I was focusing on my eternal family and “worshiping” that over focusing on what Jesus had done for me and praising Him for that act on the cross where He saved me, a sinner, and my family as long as they accept Him. Jesus is my number one and for that reason I don’t need to have all the answers.



  1. I love that wedding day photo! The happiness I felt on that beautiful day pales in comparison to the joy of seeing you and your family blossom through a new personal relationship with God.

  2. There are many passages in the Bible that declare us adopted sons and daughters. Our eternal family is the grasp He will forever have on us and our place at His table. Just as the body of Christ makes the church, we as believers are the forever family, brothers and sisters. Romans 8: 15-17, 1 John 3, Ephesians 1: 3-14. Being called a Child of God shows the extent of His love and grace on us. It’s more than a mere pity or charitble compassion. We will always have a forever family.

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