What a year can do


A year ago Trevor and I took our few month old babe with us, on a date, to see a christian band ministry called “Adams Road“. I still remember how excited I was to see them. It wasn’t just because my husband and I were finally getting out on a date. No, I was excited because I felt like I already knew them. That they were people who could understand this crazy transition I was making from an identity found in religion to an identity found in Jesus alone.

I had read the book “Unveiling Grace” by Lynn K. Wilder. She is the mother to some of the member in “Adams Road”. As such some of their story plays into the book of how she and her family found truth in Jesus alone. If you’ve read previous blog posts you’ll know how dearly I love this book. I’m so grateful for how God used this book in my life to soften my heart and pull the blinders off my eyes.

Since I’d read the book I felt like I knew them all already. I related to how hard it was for them to risk losing friends, family, and reputation. I also saw how God made something great from those moments.  It gave me hope for my future.

God didn’t disappoint me on this evening. I don’t know what I was expecting but I found myself changed after listening to their testimonies through their music and transition stories.

Just this past weekend they were touring through Utah again and Trevor and I got the chance to go listen to them share Gods love through their stories and music. I took away such a different perspective this time.

A year ago I had such a different world view. It was still very Mormon based. I still struggled with understanding how I can’t do anything to earn favor from God. How could the gospel really be so simple? I can’t believe I almost didn’t except Jesus because I feared the truth to be too simple. There wasn’t enough required effort on my part to earn my way to heaven. How could I underestimate Gods ability so much?

Last year when I heard them I was comforted by the fact I was not the only one who had found truth outside the walls of religion. I heard such hope and comfort in their message. That they had such confidence in who God had manifested himself to be in the Bible to walk away from their life in religion.

As we heard them this past weekend I realized how different my world view was now. I took something completely different out of their message. I saw, and heard the greatness of Gods love for each of us. In a way I never could have been able to last year. I praised God in my soul for being freed, and for seeing His work in so many others lives. I could now recognize all Gods grace had done in my life. I related to them when they shared their stories, as I now have had a chance to share my story and see how God uses it in others lives. I celebrated my new life in Christ Jesus. In His church that is made up of the body of believers.

As we left that night I was so grateful for Gods hand in the details of my life. I prayed thanking Him for my growth in the past year. I prayed that I could be as courageous and bold as Adams Road in their desire to share the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus.  I told God I wanted my life to be used to glorify Him! To bring others to understand who He really is. To feel this feeling of knowing you are saved. Not ever questioning again if you’ve lived a good enough life, a perfect enough life. I want everyone to feel the depth of His love. The love that saved me when Jesus took my sins upon His shoulders and died for me on the cross. So that I may have new life in Him.


  1. Brooke, I too have seen Adam’s Road when they shared their testimonies in Webster, TX – about 1 1/2 hours from me. I got up early, showered and dressed and drove to Webster and got there just as they started their first session – then I stayed for the 2nd session. I couldn’t get enough!

    I have also read Lynn’w book and LOVED it – so much of it was so familiar to my own life – even though our lives were different – it was the serving in the church we had in common and being the mom of those boys!

    I had 6 boys (4 by my first husband and 2 by my present husband) At the time Adam’s Road was here, all 4 of my boys (2 are deceased) had married and moved away to greener grass! My husband is not a believer (makes it really hard at times) So, I went by myself and was so glad I did.

    I read Lee Baker’s book too – and his newest one about being in jail after just talking to a LDS leader at a Temple open house in Illinois or was it Indiana – I forget. Anyway, if you haven’t read them – you might find them interesting.

    I’ve read a ton of ex-mormon stories – even wrote a booklet (about 100 pages) of my own (for my friends and family to try to understand why) But my closest friend won’t read it! LOL I guess she is afraid she would have to leave the church if she did!.

    I just recently read a book by Kathleen Melonakos – she and her husband, Brian, appeared on one of Earl’s shows #171 & #172 – and then she was on doris hansen’s show and mentioned the book and I bought it. Very interesting but hard for me to read – it was really in-depth and over my head. But still very interesting!

    Loving your blog!

    1. Thank you! So sorry it has taken me so long to reply! I haven’t heard of those books I’ll definitely be checking them out.

      Id love to read you booklet! I find it interesting that my family and closest friends often don’t want to talk about it or say ” I don’t want to know what you know”. Why not? It can’t hurt to just listen to what I have to say.

      I’m so glad you went to listen to Adams Road. I try to catch them every time they come. They have an amazing ministry and their stories have touched the hearts of many!

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